After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

VangVien May 26 - June 5

If I though Koh Pan-Ngan was a party, VangVien was even rowdier. Everyone talked about floating the river there and basically what it is, is a bar crawl right on the river, there are about 5 different bars and you can either float to the next one or walk to the next one. If you decided to float, there are Laotian guys that would throw soda bottles full of water attached to a string to pull you into the bars because the river flows pretty fast and most of the time your pretty drunk because each bar pours Tiger wiskey down your throat cause its so cheap....1liter of Tiger cost less then a dollar. Not only that, but each bar had their own rope swings, slides and zip lines. From what I remember, you would take a Tuk Tuk to the first bar and they would immediately pour wiskey down your throat when you got there, then you would buy some beers or buckets and start partying. The first bar had a really cool rope swing that would launch you pretty high. At the first bar, they would give you a string wristband, this was to signify every time you "floated" the river, or keep track of how many times you came out to party. The second and third bar were alright, nothing really to write home about. The fourth bar was the "mud bar" they basically had mud pits and you would drink and play in the mud, they also had a rope swing. Definitely a good time there. If you made it to the final bar, they would pain one of your finger nails so you remember how many times you made it to the end of the "float". The final bar had a slide and zip line where people would hold on till the end and get a really nice jerking stop when they hit the end of the zip line and they would do double and triple flips before hitting the water. Haha....good times there are plenty more partying to do away from the river and I managed to get a really good morning picture of where we were staying. Here are a couple pics to give you an idea of the madness.....oh...I made friends with a local pet monkey there also








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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on