After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Langkwai to Thailand, Riley Apr 28 - 30

We decided to move on and hit up another country, after traveling into Thailand by boat, which took forever but was an amazing view the entire was pretty harsh cause lots of people got sick so you basically was forced to head outside. We came into Krabi which is a small town and the jumpoff then getting into Thailand through boat. Riley is a really cool place that is an isthmus that is blocked off by really high limestone cliffs, which makes it for a secluded place to hang out and for some great rock climbing. We had to take a long boat to Riley cause it was closed off by land because of the limestone cliffs. May I add again that longboats are cool and everything but definitely not the best way to travel by water, haha


Once in Riley there was plenty of exploring to do and there were 3 main beaches, the first beach that we arrived on is where everyone pretty much stayed but it was not a pretty beach at all, but the main beaches were absolutely gorgeous, on one of the beaches there was a penis shrine....thats correct a penis shrine haha, it was to represent fertility for fisherman for their catch, also on this beach there was some cliff jumping, so we basically hung out on the beach and did some cliff diving.....after spending some time on Riley, I met a Canadian guy that was into rock climbing and we did a bit of rock climbing together, really cool experience and it was such a rewarding and beautiful sight.....






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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on