After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Sleeper Bus to Hue June 11 - 12

We had to take a sleeper bus to our next destination and funny thing cause it was a sleeper bus...that wasn't the funny part, that funny part was that there was room for 5 people to "sleep" at the back of the bus and guess the 5 guys traveling together got to share the little room and try to "sleep". We figured it was hilarious cause we just met 2 English guys (Courtney and Tom) and we have to sleep spooning them, haha. We did have a very eventful day. The 5 of us all woke up early because of the bus and we got some good breaky. We then met 5 Vietnamese guys and after talking with them they agreed to show us around the city a bit....from the back of their motorbikes. We bombed around the city with them and that was pretty crazy cause of the way they drove out there, but we did get to see a cool little castle, they took us out to the beach, where we had some food and plenty of drinks. After they beach, we all talked and said that we wanted to try dog, which they new of a good place that would serve dog. All-in-all it was a pretty good day that led into a long night and they were really cool also, we def had a good time and an experience.




I was able to try a fertilized duck egg, it was actually pretty good and that's what this picture is about.


Yes.....that is a dog paw, hahaha

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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on