After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oahu HI Jan 23 - 29

Hawaii is absolutely amazing, John and Mikey have a pretty sweet place, they live downtown Wikiki on the 47th floor so they have a really awesome veiw. The first pic is from the airplane right before we landed, it was pretty cool to see the coast like that!!


Here is a few pics of downtown Waikiki, the first one is from the balcony of John's place, as you can see its amazing. The other two are from the beach, you can see the pink hotel in the first one and the tip of Diamond Head on the second one!!




Here are some pictures of what can be seen from the highway when driving around the island, they are all amazing.



I was able to check out the Spanish Walls, this is a really cool place and there are places where the waves crash up upon the rocks, its pretty sweet!!


I went on a quick hike with a friend Jamie, the hike was called the Pillbox hike. It was nice to see the island from there. First picture is from the top of the Pillbox hike and the second picture is from the beach that you can see from the hike. The island is called "Flat Island," haha how ironic right!!



We were able to make another hike and this one was pretty hardcore. It was about 4200 steps to the top, pretty crazy because it was really windy and rained a bit while we were on the hike. There were a ton of steps but it was well worth it!!



I was able to get into the water on North Shore. It was really nice and the water and waves were great. It was kind of intimidating because in Sunset Beach, the water was so clear you could see straight to the bottom and on the bottom there were huge rocks, haha pretty crazy when your dropping in on a 8+ foot wave and see rocks waiting for you at the bottom!!


This is a good, blurry picture that John took from the beach, haha!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and john have like matching board shorts... how cute!

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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on