After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Totally Random Road Trip March 24

So......after totally pissing the night away with some mates, my friend Rene (Doichland) working at the hostel barges in my room and wakes me up during the ass crack of the morning, haha 9:30 am, I was acutally planning to do some important things but traveling you have to be able to roll with whatever you get presented!! Haha but yeah after getting up, we all meet up again in the reception, while I was waiting for the bus and he goes, "Texas you up for a road trip?" so i think for a few seconds and go....... "ehhh why not" haha which I am totally glad I did because it was such a good fun time, I am still waiting for some pictures from friends but here are just a few, 5 of us hired a car (3 Americans, which is rare to see Americans and 2 Germans) and went to the Boulders, Josephine Falls, Milla Milla Falls and Lake Eacham, then did a fun drive on the serpentine highway at night. I love doing random things like this because they are the most fun but here are some of the pictures!!

Here are the Boulders, it was really nice here, the first pic is of the group pic and the second one is of where we went swimming. I have to add that while swimming it drizzled a bit and just added to the experience the water was a bit cold but still really worth getting in and having some fun!!



Here is Josephine Falls, this was equally as nice and just as fun because you could get on the rocks and slid down them into the main pools, a really fun time that made me feel like a kid again!!



Here is a picture of Milla Milla Falls, this was really pretty also but we decided not to do any swimming here because we spent too much time at the other places and it was getting late!!!


Lastly we ended with Lake Eacham, this was a really nice lake, but I was expecting it to be like Blue Lake in my other posts, it was nice to see a sunset here and take the serpentine roads home afterwards!!


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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on