After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Friday, May 2, 2008

New Zealand April 26

After leaving Surfers and headin to Brisbane to meet with friends and party for the last time in Aussie before I head to NZ. There really wasnt much to see in Brissi and even in Christchurch so unfortunately I didnt get any greally nice pics from there but, after meeting with Pierre (French guy I met in OZ who I traveled with for a month) I bummed a ride with someone at the hostel down towards Queenstown where I plan on settling down for a bit and getting a job.

On the way down, we stopped and camped at a lake, I cant remember what the name is right now but it was really nice........COLD........but really nice, haha, here is a pic of what our view was in the morning!!!


We stopped at a couple other lakes where the water was a nice torquise color, unfortunately the picture isnt as nice as being there. There were so many beautiful sights to see on the way down and there were mountains everywhere with snow slowly creaping down towards the valleys. What was really funny is that we got all kinds of weather, ex. sun, clouds, wind, rain, snow, hail and even nothing at all!!



What was really nice was seeing the trees and all the different colors, reminded me of living in South Carolina again.

Off to Queenstown for work and fun in the snow!!

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About Me

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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on