After graduating TAMUCC in Dec 07 with a BA in Business Management, I decided to see as much of the world as possible before starting a real "job." Here are my adventures for your viewing pleasure!! E-mail or
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lumut to Pulau Pangkor 19 - 22

Met up with Cayce on Pulau Pangkor, it was a small island off Lumut town. Traveling there was really cheap and we stayed in a hostel that cost us roughly $5 a night, Im sure it was much cheaper then that. The entire island, it only took us about an hour to take scooters around the entire island and Billy loved it. It was great to hire scooters and bomb around a lovely island with green water and clean beaches. It was definatley a simple life out there, but I loved the stay, I actually prefer staying on the islands then staying in the cities. Here are some of the pics from the island.....







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This is my blog about the adventures I am/have been through. In the past it has been about traveling, but now its is about an invention that I came up with. Feel free to find me on